Age is Like a Fine Wine

I often hear that aging should be like fine wine -that you should get better with age. Unfortunately I can’t say anything about the wine. I’ve never had one in my life. But…do I get better with age?

I doubt it… 😀

So, the thing is, exactly last month was my birthday.
I used to feel birthday blues whenever my birthday approaching. The cycle is quite similar every year. I would anticipate the coming of March. And then I would feel nervous when the day was approaching. When the Day finally came, I was like really really confused of what to feel. Should I feel happy? Should I feel grateful? Should I feel sad (because…you know…getting older?)? When I didn’t feel any of those things -because come on birthday is just another Monday or Tuesday or Friday- I would feel soooo bad. Then came the birthday blues.
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Penulis Tanpa Media

Obrolan ngalur ngidul dengan teman yang mantan jurnalis lapangan internesyonel berujung di pertanyaan, “kapan tulisan lo terbit lagi, De?”
Pipi saya langsung terasa digampar pakai sendal jepit. Yang tipis aja biar enggak terlalu sakit.

Seperti biasa, saya ngeles dengan jago.
“Nulis novel itu butuh waktu. Lama. Gimana coba dengan kerjaan gue sekarang ini yang butuh perhatian gue seratus dua puluh persen? Hah? Hah?”
“Ngeles aja lu!”

Iya. Dia paham saya cuma cari alasan 😀 😀 😀 .
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