
Wijayakusuma on handI’m not sure why I seem so obsessed with this flower. Epiphyllu Oxypetalum is called Wijayakusuma in Indonesia, Gekka Bijin in Japan, Brahma Kamala in India, and Queen of the night everywhere.

I first got this flower from Pakdhe Mbilung and Mbak Jeni. They gave me the bigger variety with giant flowers. The problem with this variety is…the flower (flowerS, if lucky) only appears when it wants to. Sometimes once a year, other times twice if I’m lucky.

Wijayakusuma small with AikoA few years later, my friend, Acil, gave me the small variety with mini flowers. This one produces more flowers more often -but smaller. A lot smaller. However, if you want to have year-long flowers, this small variety is the best. Imagine ten, twenty, forty of them blooming at the same time around your house.

Wijayakusuma flowers only bloom one night and only at night. If you want to watch it blooming, you’ve got to wait around 11PM to 1AM when the flowers reach their peak bloom. But, it’s worth the waiting! Continue reading

Bunga Pencetus Demo

Pada suatu hari di halaman rumah saya tiba-tiba terhirup semerbak wangi yang luar biasa. Wanginya gabungan antara wangi bunga Mawar dan wangi bunga Melati. Bila wangi itu tercium siang bolong saja sudah terasa semriwing berdiri bulu kuduk, bayangkan bila malam gelap, saya buka pagar rumah dan tiba-tiba…ssshhh….”WANGI APA INI?!”
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Berkebun. Atau Sekadar Ubek-Ubek Tanah.

rose gardenSaya suka berkebun.
Hmmm…sebenarnya sih saya lebih sering membayangkan saya sedang berkebun. Saya sering berencana untuk mengolah halaman rumah menjadi full tanaman, full bebungaan, full tanaman dapur. Bolak-balik saya berencana melakukan sesuatu pada sisi halaman rumah bagian sini atau menanam pohon itu di sebelah sana atau mengatur ulang posisi para tanaman di sisi bagian situ. Jadi, memang lebih sering berkhayalnya daripada kejadian turun langsung ke kebun 🙂 . Tapi bila saya mendapat momentum 🙄 untuk berkebun, saya bisa seharian ndeprok di kebun dengan di kelilingi perabotan berkebun.
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