
Hi there!
Mariskova is my real name although I go with many nicknames, personally created by friends.

I was born and raised in Jakarta. Used to be a teacher, a teacher trainer, an educator, an education consultant, an editor, a writer, but, I prefer to introduce myself as a consistent complainer who blogs and writes. I am a desperate coffee drinker and I add cream and sugar in my coffee.

My blog has been up and running since March 2005 when at that time I talked mostly about my daily life in Honjo, Saitama, Japan. Read my old posts in the previous blog of www.mariskova.blogspot.com.

Me as a Writer
So far, I have 4 novels published under my own name with Gramedia Pustaka Utama and 5 anthology novels published together with Azma Nadia under Lingkar Pena. Sometimes, I also write short stories and 2 of them have been published in Femina Magazine. Previously, I worked as a Chief Editor of C’nS Junior Magazine where I had fun writing about children. Those fun days are gone.

Right now, my focus and energy have been directed to finish my 5th novel. And…I have been saying that for 2 uhuk 7 8 years now. Update: the 5 is finished in May 2020.

You can check out my novels at online bookstores and let me know what you think. You can also check here at Mariskovastories. Although I have published books, articles, and stories, I still feel surprised every time I find out readers write about my work 😀 .
It might seem like a yearly promise, but I surely will write a novel again. Soon. I. Promise. Update: I did! Read here. Wohooo!

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Picture by Hikari

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