What are you complaining about?

Just arrived at the office at 11 this afternoon. I drove my car all the way from the very Eeeeeeeeast of Jakarta coret to the central of Jakarta. Almost 30 kilometers and 50 minutes by the toll road. The sun was scorching hot, even when I turned on my AC to the maximum.

Not far from Kilometer 0 (zero) Cawang intersection heading to Wiyoto Wiyono toll road, cars were slowing down. On the right side, right in the median of the road, several road signs were laid because there were 2 workers wearing orange uniform and head mask were working on the plants. They were trimming the plants. In the middle of the scorching sun. In the middle of a busy and dangerous toll road.

At first, I thought about their safety. Even with the road signs, they were too close to the passing cars. And then I thought about the heat. Without the sun, it was hot enough from the machines. Yet, they had to wear full-body uniform, a head masker, gloves, and workers shoes. I couldn’t imagine the heat they were experiencing.

Then, I thought about….
“Aren’t they complaining?”

A tiny voice in me argued. They had probably gotten used to it. They had no escape; they needed the money no matter how hard or how often they complained.

But, still…

My list of complaints right from this morning when I woke up probably has reached to number 101. The AC in our room needed to be cleaned and repaired. The neighbor needed to know that honking for more than 1 minute just to ask her maid to open the garage gate was not only impolite but also totally irritating. Hikari forgot his Iqro book for today although I had reminded him the night before. The car needed to change the breaking system although we had spent millions for other parts already. The sun was too hot! That insane driver zig-zagged in the middle of a busy road! Oh God, I forgot to bring my medicine for today. Again! Who the hell had parked a car occupying 2 spaces in this tiny parking space?!

And on and on and on….

The sight of two workers in orange uniform flashed in front of my eyes. I have my health, I have a full stomach, I have my money, I have my AC in my office, I have my internet connection… They have to work in the middle of a hot afternoon in the middle of a busy and dangerous toll road….

What was I complaining about?

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